The Golf Capital Chorus

Lifetime Achievement Award

2022: Mr. Robert "Squeak" Tilton

Squeak is one of the true legends in barbershop quartet singing. He joined S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A in 1949 - nearly 75 years ago - and has been singing barbershop ever since. Squeak competed in the very first chorus contest at the International Convention in Detroit in 1953. It was essentially a "proof of concept" event for the Society, and in 1954 they held the first official chorus competition.

Squeak's competitive quartet singing began with The Four Tissimos. They won the Illinois District in 1954, and in 1955 they won the Bronze Medal at the International Quartet Contest!

He continued to sing with quartets and choruses, and in 1961 he won another District title with The Escapades Quartet in the Illinois District. Later, he sang with The Big Chorus from Rocky Mount, NC and won the Dixie District Chorus title in 2006.

Not only has Squeak excelled with his singing, he has also contributed immeasurably to the Society with his leadership. When North Carolina was still in the Dixie District, in 2003 Bob served as the VP-Membership and then as Board Member at Large with responsibilities that included Finance. In 2005, he was elected Executive VP of the Dixie District.

When the Carolinas District branched off and became its own district in 2010, Squeak was elected to be the very first President and served for two years in that role. His leadership was critical in building a solid foundation, which we all continue to enjoy today. 

The Pinehurst Chapter has benefitted from having Squeak in our ranks. He served as our President in 2009 and has served as the Show Chair for multiple years. 

In 2013, the Carolinas District inducted Squeak into their Hall of Fame.